The RTH Tokyo (RJTD) routeing directory is available at the WIS Portal of GISC Tokyo. The URL is: The directory will be updated monthly if possible, but not less than every three months. The routeing catalogue of RTH Tokyo consists of the following two files. RJTDRMKS.TXT : Explanatory file (the current file) RJTDROCA.TXT : Body of the catalogue 1. Structure of RJTDROCA file is as follows: ....*....1....*....2....*....3....*....4....*....5....*....6.. "AXPQ20 RJTD","RJTD","BABJ","RKSL","RPMM","VHHH","VTBB" (example) Field Width Description 1 11 Abbreviated heading of the bulletin (AXPQ20 RJTD). 2 4 Designator of the input circuit from which the bulletin is routinely scheduled to be received (RJTD). "****" in this field means that the bulletin is accepted from any input circuit. 3- 4 for Designators of the output circuits (BABJ, RKSL, etc.). each One designator is in one field. The number of fields in each field record is same as that of output circuits for the bulletin. There is no field when the bulletin is not scheduled to be relayed to any output circuit. Note: Length of records in the file RJTDROCA is variable depending on the number of output circuits for the bulletin. Every field in records is surrounded by double quotation and separated commas. 2. CCCC definitions in RJTDROCA.TXT AMMC : Melbourne, Australia BABJ : Beijing, China DEMS : New Delhi,India KWBC : Washington, USA RUHB : Khabarovsk, Russian Federation RKSL : Seoul, Republic of Korea RPMM : Manila, Philippines VHHH : Hong Kong, China VTBB : Bangkok, Thailand EDZW : Offenbach, Germany EGRR : Exeter, UK LFPW : Toulouse, France AFTN : Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network SFNT : GMDSS SafetyNET Service, Satellite dissemination system using the INMARSAT