SMHI SWEDEN Norrkoping, 26 November 2020 SMHI Routing Catalogue lists from which channel a certain bulletin is allowed to be recieved from. As a bulletin sometimes can be transmitted on more than one channel, these bulletins are included several times with different CCCC's in field no 2 "GTS circuit from which the bulletin is received". One example of this is ISMD40 LIIB: "ISMD40 LIIB","EDZW","EFKL","ESWI","EYHM","UMRR","XXXX" "ISMD40 LIIB","RUMS","EFKL","ESWI","EYHM","UMRR","XXXX" In the Routing Catalogue you will find two kind of undefined CCCC. These are: XXXX: This is used when the bulletin is sent to an internal or a national system, and not to an international center within WMO GTS. ****: This declares that we have no CCCC for the channel. Examples of these are AFTN and AMHS-channels. If you have any questions about SMHI Routing Catalogue, please contact us at