: Public Note
Created: 15/09/2015 10:47:30 AM
Modified: 15/09/2015 10:51:08 AM
[Jeremy]<br /></p><p><br /></p><p>from discussion about BoM's SitesDB at the ad-hoc meeting in Melbourne, I note that SitesDB has the concept of "Equipment" ... <br /></p><p><br /></p><p>"Equipment" is (more or less) equivalent to "Instrument" or "Sensor"- however, this resource can be further divided into sub-components ...<br /></p><p><br /></p><p>I noted:<br /></p><p><br /></p><p><ul><li>… hierarchical relationship between parent and child equipment (e.g. ‘parent’ equipment requires ‘child’ equipment in order to function)</li><br /></p><p><li>… sub-equipment are sub-components that are part of the equipment; e.g. software, processing boards etc.</li><br /></p><p></ul><br /></p><p>Do we want to include this complexity in our model?<br /></p>